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 I love to paint. I do it for fun. Over the decades I've been fortunate to have had many opportunities to exhibit my art - most recently through the Fraser, Colorado Plein Air Festivals and now at Denver International Airport.


It is gratifying when folks admire and acquire a piece of my art. Equally gratifying is when I'm able to support good causes either by donating a piece (s) of art or donating a percentage of sales proceeds.


My paintings have been donated in the past to support a number of good causes. A donation I made three years ago to Cottonwood Institute ( of the water color portraits I painted of all 53 Colorado 14ers has begun to yield some success for that worthy, local nonprofit. 


I will be further supporting Cottonwood Institute by donating a portion of all net proceeds from sales from this website. 






  • Western State College, Gunnison CO.

  • Elective art classes at Western.

  • Lifelong out door enthusiast and painter.

  • 17 years utility worker in the mountains for the Denver Water Department.

  • 20 years utility worker in the streets of Denver for the Denver Water Department.



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Jane Hansberry text/call 303 521 3571
or When emailing include subject line "watercolors"

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