I love to paint. I do it for fun. Over the decades I've been fortunate to have had many opportunities to exhibit my art - most recently through the Fraser, Colorado Plein Air Festivals and now at Denver International Airport.
It is gratifying when folks admire and acquire a piece of my art. Equally gratifying is when I'm able to support good causes either by donating a piece (s) of art or donating a percentage of sales proceeds.
My paintings have been donated in the past to support a number of good causes. A donation I made three years ago to Cottonwood Institute (www.CottonwoodInstitute.org) of the water color portraits I painted of all 53 Colorado 14ers has begun to yield some success for that worthy, local nonprofit.
I will be further supporting Cottonwood Institute by donating a portion of all net proceeds from sales from this website.

Western State College, Gunnison CO.
Elective art classes at Western.
Lifelong out door enthusiast and painter.
17 years utility worker in the mountains for the Denver Water Department.
20 years utility worker in the streets of Denver for the Denver Water Department.